Liver cancer is one of the most common and dangerous types of cancer in Vietnam. The disease often develops silently and is only detected at a late stage, when treatment methods become less effective. Therefore, early screening plays an extremely important role in protecting health and extending patients' lifespans.
What is liver cancer? Causes and level of severity
Liver cancer is a condition in which liver cells proliferate uncontrollably, forming a malignant tumor. This type of cancer is divided into two main types: primary liver cancer (the most common being hepatocellular carcinoma) and secondary liver cancer (metastasized from other organs).
The main causes of liver cancer often stem from chronic conditions such as hepatitis B, hepatitis C, cirrhosis, or excessive alcohol consumption. Additionally, other factors like obesity, diabetes, and aflatoxin poisoning (commonly found in moldy foods) also increase the risk of the disease.
Liver cancer has a high mortality rate because it is often detected late. In the final stages, patients may face severe complications such as liver failure, gastrointestinal bleeding, or metastasis to other organs. Therefore, understanding the risks and undergoing regular screening is the best way to detect the disease in time.
Who should undergo liver cancer screening?
Not everyone is at high risk of developing liver cancer, but certain groups need to pay special attention. First, individuals with chronic hepatitis B or C should undergo regular screening, as they have a high risk of developing liver cancer. Similarly, those with a family history of liver cancer should also be closely monitored.
In addition, people with cirrhosis from any cause, including alcohol abuse or non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD), are also in the high-risk group. Some studies also indicate that patients with diabetes or obesity, especially when combined with other risk factors, have a higher likelihood of developing liver cancer.
People over 40, especially men, should also consider liver cancer screening, as the risk of developing the disease begins to increase significantly at this age. For those working in environments with exposure to toxic chemicals or living in areas with high liver cancer rates, early screening becomes even more crucial.
How can liver cancer be detected early?
Liver cancer screening currently typically includes liver ultrasound, blood tests to check the alpha-fetoprotein (AFP) levels, and in some cases, CT or MRI scans. These methods help detect abnormalities in the liver early, allowing for appropriate treatment plans to be developed.
At Ishii Saigon Japanese Medical Clinic, we are proud to offer advanced liver cancer screening services with the support of modern technology. The 3.0 Tesla MRI machine and 768-slice CT scanner provide detailed imaging, allowing for the detection of liver tumors from the earliest stages. Additionally, the team of doctors from Chợ Rẫy Hospital and the University of Medicine and Pharmacy in Ho Chi Minh City ensures the highest level of expertise, providing peace of mind to our patients.
In addition to medical screening methods, a healthy lifestyle also plays an important role in preventing liver cancer. Nutrition experts recommend limiting alcohol consumption, avoiding greasy foods, and maintaining a healthy weight. Specifically, incorporating milk into the daily diet can provide numerous benefits for cardiovascular health and help reduce the risk of chronic diseases.
According to experts from Lacsure, drinking calcium-rich, low-fat milk is not only good for bones but also helps control cholesterol and protect the cardiovascular system. This is a simple yet effective nutritional choice, especially suitable for individuals at high risk of chronic diseases such as diabetes and fatty liver disease.
Liver cancer screening is not only for those with underlying health conditions but also a necessary measure for those in high-risk groups. With the advancement of modern medicine, early detection and timely treatment can significantly improve the quality of life and extend the lifespan of patients.
Come to Ishii Saigon Japanese Medical Clinic To experience professional and comprehensive liver cancer screening services. We are committed to accompanying you on the journey to protect your health.