Medical imaging diagnosis

The Diagnostic Imaging Department at Ishii Saigon is equipped with state-of-the-art medical technology and follows Japanese standards. This includes a 3.0 Tesla MRI scanner, a dual-source 768-slice CT scanner, and advanced digital mammography. These facilities support clinical diagnosis and aid in the early detection of complex diseases.

3.0 Tesla MRI Scan MAGNETOM Lumina

The Ishii Saigon Multi-specialty Clinic's 3.0 Tesla Lumia MRI system is equipped with the latest cutting-edge technology and a complete set of coils capable of imaging various parts of the body including the brain, chest, abdomen, spine, pelvis, limbs, nervous system, and vascular system.

MRI, also known as magnetic resonance imaging, is a diagnostic imaging technique that uses magnetic fields and radio waves to create detailed images of the examined body parts. Unlike CT scans, MRI does not use radiation and is non-invasive, making it relatively safe.

At Ishii Saigon, the 3T MRI machine, with its higher magnetic field, allows for faster scanning, 3D image reconstruction, and better anatomical detail, making it easier to detect abnormalities. Specifically, in the examination of the brain's vascular system, the 3T MRI can clearly visualize nerve fibers and assess cerebral perfusion without the need for contrast agents, resulting in zero invasiveness.


SOMATOM Drive is a dual-source CT scanner with 768 slices, manufactured by Siemens Healthineers. It is one of the most advanced CT machines available today, providing high-resolution medical imaging and rapid scan times.

The SOMATOM Drive is equipped with many advanced technologies, including:

  • Dual-source technology: Provides imaging capabilities with lower X-ray doses while still ensuring high image quality.
  • Fast scanning speed: Helps minimize scan time and limit patient movement, which is especially useful for patients with a rapid heart rate.
  • High resolution: Provides detailed and clear images, aiding doctors in making more accurate diagnoses.
  • Artificial intelligence (AI): Supports doctors in analyzing images and providing faster and more accurate diagnoses.

Advantages of the Somatom CT scanner

  • High image quality
  • Fast scanning speed
  • Low X-ray dose, safe for patients
  • Capable of diagnosing various diseases

SOMATOM Drive CT scanning supports the diagnosis of conditions such as:

  1. Detecting cardiovascular diseases: The CT scanner is capable of producing detailed images of the heart, blood vessels, and adjacent structures with high resolution, aiding in early detection of cardiovascular diseases such as arterial plaque, plaque buildup, artery blockages, etc.
  2. Detecting cancer early: The dual-source CT scanner has high sensitivity in detecting small tumors, aiding in early diagnosis of cancer in various organs such as lungs, liver, pancreas, breast cancer, colorectal cancer, etc.
  3. Early detection of bone and joint disorders: The dual-source CT scanner helps in early detection of bone and joint disorders such as fractures, ligament tears, joint dislocations, osteoarthritis, arthritis, etc.
  4. Brain disorders: Brain conditions such as cerebral hemorrhage, brain injury, stroke, brain tumors, etc.
  5. Respiratory diseases: Pneumonia, pneumothorax, lung cancer, etc.
  6. Gastrointestinal disorders: Gastrointestinal disorders such as gastric and duodenal ulcers, gallstones, liver cancer, pancreatic cancer, etc.

MAMMOMAT Fusion - Advanced digital mammography system

MAMMOMAT Fusion is an advanced digital mammography system developed by Siemens Healthineers, enhancing screening efficiency and breast cancer diagnosis. Equipped with numerous modern features, it offers multiple benefits for both patients and physicians.

Advantages of MAMMOMAT Fusion:

  • High image quality: Provides high-resolution and detailed mammography images, helping doctors detect even the smallest abnormalities early.
  • Low X-ray dose: Utilizes advanced technology to minimize X-ray exposure to the maximum extent, ensuring safety for patients.
  • Automated workflow: Enhances efficiency and productivity for physicians while reducing human errors.
  • Patient comfort: A patient-friendly design that helps patients feel comfortable and reduces anxiety during mammography.
  • Supporting breast cancer diagnosis: Provides advanced diagnostic tools to aid physicians in making accurate and timely diagnoses.

MAMMOMAT Fusion integrates several advanced technologies, including:

  • 2D and 3D technology: Enables imaging of both 2D and 3D mammography, allowing physicians to observe breast tissue in greater detail and detect abnormalities early.
  • Noise reduction technology: Helps improve image quality and minimize noise caused by patient motion.
  • Tissue homogenization technology: Helps optimize mammography images for all types of breast tissue.
  • Stereotactic breast biopsy technology: Facilitates more accurate and efficient breast biopsies guided by X-ray.

MAMMOMAT Fusion Support in the fields of breast cancer diagnosis and treatment.

Early detection of breast cancer. MAMMOMAT Fusion can detect small, calcified breast cancer lesions early, even when they are deep within breast tissue, thereby increasing the chances of breast cancer recovery.



Ishii Saigon Imaging Diagnosis Department is committed to providing services imaging diagnosis high quality, reputable, contributing to improving your quality of life!


Contact ISHII Saigon - Japanese medical Clinic 1900 636 079 For more details